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The Innovation for Improving Early Grade Reading Activity (IIEGRA), Baseline Survey

Oral Reading Fluency (ORF)

Oral Reading Fluency (ORF)

The oral reading fluency (ORF) subtask measures how quickly and accurately a student can read. It is a core reading skill measurement because it brings together lower-level reading skills (such as decoding and familiar word recognition) with how quickly and easily the student can read a given word (called automaticity).

Students were given a short, written passage on a topic that is familiar to them. They were asked to read it out loud “quickly but carefully”. If they were unable to read at least five words correctly, they were stopped and considered “non-readers”. The test administrator timed the student, making note of any mistakes the student makes while reading the words aloud. The Literacy Boost score is reported only for "readers" (not non-readers) as correct words per minute (cwpm). For IIEGRA, readers were allowed up to 500 second to finish reading the passage.



Average Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Scores
Average Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Score
# Indicates too few cases for reliable estimate


This chart shows the distribution of the number of words of connected text read correctly per minute (Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) score) by Bangladeshi grade 1 students.
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Score Distribution
Number of Correct Words Per Minute
# Indicates too few cases for reliable estimate

Zero Scores

Zero scores represent the percentage of students who received a score of zero on a given subtask. Zero scores are often used for comparison purposes because they are logically equivalent across different languages.
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"The Innovation for Improving Early Grade Reading Activity (IIEGRA), Baseline Survey: Assessment Outcomes," Early Grade Reading Barometer, U.S. Agency for International Development, last modified January 5, 2022,

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The Innovation for Improving Early Grade Reading Activity (IIEGRA), Baseline Survey: Assessment Outcomes. (n.d.) Early Grade Reading Barometer.

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